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Our favorites

Lavender oil

Our lavender is raised with natural spring water.  At harvest time lavender spikes are cut one batch at a time and distilled with steam.  Our high altitude lavender oil is very high quality.

Side Hill Spring Lavender contains no other oils or extenders.

Lavender Oil is extracted via steam distillation of lavender flower spikes.  Lavender has long been recognized as a powerful remedy in the field of aromatherapy.   Essential oils are powerful, healing substances and Lavender Oil is considered to be the "Swiss Army Knife" of essential oils.

Side Hill Spring Lavender oil is very calming.  Use it in a diffuser, simply inhale it out of the bottle or add it to your bath water.  It is also promotes healing of burns and scars as well as soothing fussy babies and nervous pets to name but a few of its beneficial uses.

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lavender hydrosol

Lavender Hydrosol is a co-product of steam distillation of lavender.  Hydrosol contains a small amount of oil plus components of the plant material.  The smell is less intense than the oil itself.  The fragrance is really quite different from pure Lavender Oil.  One description is that it smells like honey tastes!  It is a wonderfully versatile natural health and beauty essential.

It is cooling, soothing and suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive ones.  The scent of lavender has proven to have strong calming properties -- it settles nerves, soothes a tired mind and induces a deep, restful sleep.  Spray it on your pillow at bedtime.

Side Hill Spring Lavender Hydrosol is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.  Spray it on sunburn, rashes, bug bites, and it is also a wonderful after shower mist and facial toner.  AND it repels insects.  Use it on your pet as well. 


Naturally Simple

Side Hill Spring Lavender is raised in Central Nevada at the 6,000 foot level where the air is clean and there is plenty of sunshine.  We are blessed with a natural spring with crystal clear water that we use both to irrigate our lavenders and during the distillation process.  All steps of raising these beautiful plants is done by hand with an entire staff and crew of two.  Some lavender is dried naturally for use in sachets and decorative bundles.  Most of the lavender is harvested and steam distilled into oil and hydrosol.

Side Hill Spring Lavender

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